Water/Sanitation Department
Welcome to the Water/Sanitation Department.
The village has sewer and water lines, storm sewer lines and natural gas lines. Call 48 hrs before you start any project big or small, even mail boxes. Call 811 its free, prevents damage and it's the law.
Josh LeVan; Utility Coordinator
What water is better? Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water.
if you find the chlorine taste to be unpleasant, you can fill an open container with water and chill it in the refrigerator before use. This will allow the chlorine taste and smell to dissipate.
The West Mansfield Water Treatment Plant was first established in 1939. The distribution system was installed using manpower and horses along with a ditching machine.
In 2005 the Village renovated the original treatment plant to provide a more efficient softening process, larger water storing capacity and better water quality to its residents.
In 1996 the West Mansfield Sewer Plant was established. In 1997 Village residents tapped into the Village sewer lines for the first time.
General Information
Service Work - Anyone requiring service work should contact the Utility Office at 355-8070 at least 24 hours in advance to schedule the work.
Repair Inspections - Anyone having repairs made underground between the curb box and the meter inside the house is required to have the village inspect the work upon completion and before the ditch is backfilled.
Only village employee's can operate curb stops, meter pits, main line valves and fire hydrants unless the Utility Coordinator has otherwise granted permission.
Anyone that sees a contractor, plumber, or anyone other than village employee's operating curb stops, meter pits, valves or fire hydrants is asked to please call the village office at (937) 355-8070.
Notice: If you have a sump pump it is required to be discharged to the outside and not connected to your sewer line. Also by not discharging your sump pump to the sewer you can help to not raise your sewer bills by reducing the cost the village incures for treatment.. If you need assistance verifing this please call the village office.
Thank You
Call before you dig, 811 its free, prevents damage and it's the law.